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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

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Educational NASA Computational and Scientific Studies

Educational NASA Computational and Scientific Studies (enCompass) is an educational project of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center aiming at bridging the gap between computational objectives and needs of NASA's scientific research, missions and projects and academia's latest advances in applied mathematics and computer science. enCOMPASS achieves this goal via bidirectional collaboration and communication between NASA and academia. This project started from October 2010 and is currently being developed.

The project consists of several computational case studies based on NASA science applications in Earth Sciences, Planetary Sciences, and Astrophysics designed for graduate and undergraduate students in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. University professors in computational sciences can use these case studies as class projects. If you are a professor who can benefit from this project, please contact us, to receive data sets, evaluation forms for each case study, and more information.

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